Should We Defund The Police?


Real Talk Philosophy
Tearing apart the beliefs that tear us apart.

The world is desperately in need of a discussion on whether or not the police should be defunded. Join the Real Talk Philosophy live on Zoom for discussions, talks, Panelist Q&As, and more.

"M4BL x ESSENCE Discuss What It Means To Defund Police, Defend Black Lives"

"The Pandemic Is the Right Time to Defund the Police"

"A Practical Guide to Defunding the Police"

"This Is How Much Major Cities Prioritize Police Spending Versus Everything Else"

"Andrew Neil shares video of left-wing ‘but not left enough’ Minneapolis mayor being jeered"


- Should we defund the police?
- Should we abolish the police?
- Have you ever had an encounter with the police? How was it?
- What role do the police serve?
- Is The Police a racist institution?
- Where should the money be diverted?
- What would the positive outcomes be? What would the negative outcomes be?
- Is police reform preferable to police defunding?
- What is the psychology of someone who chooses to be a police officer? How would being a police officer affect a person's psychology?


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