Jonathan Dallas


Founder & President of REAL TALK PHILOSOPHY

Jon is the Founder and Executive Director of Real Talk Philosophy. Since March 2017, managed a team of 25+ international team members facilitating weekly community events exploring divisive contemporary issues (from veganism to polyamory) with talks, small-group discussions, games, music, and art in cities around the world.

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EFL Teacher & Teacher Trainer

Jon has taught English to non-native speakers and trained EFL teachers since March 2016. He graduated from TEFL Worldwide Prague with a specialization in young-learner education.

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Yogic Philosophy Instructor

Jon teaches yogic philosophy to yoga teacher trainees courses and has published an accompanying yogic philosophy manual. Each series includes eight 2.5-hour explorations of The Vedas, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, The Bhagavad Gita, The Pali Canon, and more.

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TEDx Speaker

On 16 April, 2017, Jon presented “Why We Play Games” on the TEDx stage in Hanoi, Vietnam. This talk explored what games are, why we play them, and why ancient eastern mystics advised to view life as a game.

See the talk YouTube →

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Meditation Guide

Jon has has taught small group meditation in Hanoi since 2016, and has taught meditation theory and technique to yoga teacher trainees since 2018.

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Jon received his Bachelor's Degree in Theatre Performance from Towson University in 2012. He has starred as Macheath in a bilingual performance of Brecht's Die Dreigroschenoper and as Chenzira in a touring production of The Baltimore Rock Opera Society's Electric Pharaoh. 

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Wedding Officiant

Jon is a an ordained Minister through the Universal Life Church and experienced Officiant. Jon facilitates meaningful dialogue between the betrothed to explore core beliefs, and crafts a custom ceremony reflecting those beliefs.

Request Jon to officiate your wedding →


Ashtanga Yoga Instructor

Jon has taught ashtanga yoga privately and in studios since November 2016.

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Jon is a singer/songwriter and a theatrical score composer.

Listen to Jon’s Soundcloud here →